Date of Birth: 30 November 1821 Santa Maura, Ionian Islands
Education: Blundell's School, Tiverton. Balliol College, Oxford, Blundell Scholar, 1838-42. BA, Double First Class, Classics and
Mathematics 1842. Fellow 1842-48 MA 1847.
Career before Rugby School: Mathematics and
Logic Lecturer 1845. Hon Fellow of Exeter College, 1885, Select Preacher, 1857.
Head Master of Rugby School: 1858-1870
Career after Rugby School: Select Preacher 1872, Bampton Lecturer, 1875. Chaplain to the Queen, 1872. Lord Bishop of Exeter, 1869. Lord Bishop of London, 1885. Archbishop of Canterbury, 1896. Hon. D.D. of St. Andrew's University, 1885, and LL.D. Cambridge, 1897, and a Lord of the Privy Council.
Deputy Chairman of the Governing Body of Rugby School: 1871-1896
Chairman of the Governing Body: 1896-1902
Buildings named after him at Rugby School: Temple Reading Room, Temple Speech Room and Temple Observatory.
Date of Death: 23 December 1902 (aged 81) London, England.
(Image Frederick Temple and his Masters)